The Aquawizardcast

hey we made a thing! the cast for all your Aquawizard needs.

Tune in to this frequency for all the latest news, chatter, chit-chat, chatty-chat, goofin’, and straight-talk you always wanted from your favorite members of the Aquawizard band.

(☝️copy that URL link thingie or search for “The Aquawizardcast” into your podcast app to get all the latest updates and downtimes)
(or go to one of these👇)

Spotify · Apple Podcasts

It’s fun, it’s hard work, it’s challenging, it’s exciting, it’s even a little confusing but comforting in a familiar way.

That’s the aquawizard podcast guarantee. please email us for ads now, please. we need the cash. that’s (that’s with all dashes) or you can also use, that’s the “real one”